Have fun with us at the September 7 Labour Day parade

We missed you at the Taste of Manila and Mabuhay Philippines.
So, please do not miss our two important events in September. It is ours. We encourage everyone to show up. It would be MORE FUN to be with you on these two events.
- Labour Day Parade on September 7, 2015
- Salu-salo ng Filipino Workers Network on September 19, 2015
September Labour Day Parade
Come and walk with us on September 7, 2015 Labour Day parade, either as part of your union or as part of the Filipino Workers Network. We need you to raise the profile of Filipinos in the labour community. We need you to show that we are awake, we are aware and we are ready to join the fight to improve employment standards, labour laws and our quality of living. We need you to show that we are a community to reckon with.
Bring your family and friends as well. Just let us know by Friday. September 3 who will join the parade so we can reserve the CNE entrance wristband required to enter CNE where the parade ends. Gathering place is at Queen St. W and University Ave at 8:00 am. The parade will start at 9:00 am.
Salo-salo ng Filipino Workers Network on September 19, 2015, 6:00 pm @ OFl Building, M4, 15 Gervais Dr., Toronto, Ontario. Admission $10.
For information: Contact Paulina Corpuz 4163208703 (text preferable) or email campaigns@labourcouncil.ca.
Visit our website at filipinoworkers.orgA