All workers are governed by the employment standard act. It defines the standards applied to all workers to afford them decent life and meet the basic needs of the workers and their families. ESA is the only protection for non-unionized workers. As Filipino Workers Network we are committed in the fight to improve workers’ rights. We strongly support the changes to Employment Laws that will stave off poverty, benefits workers and lay the foundation for the next generation of workers. We affirm our support to demand
- equal pay for workers regardless of their status as full-time, part-time or temporary, their age, gender, student status or area of work;
- an end to the misclassification of workers as self-employed, instead of workers;
- adequate hours;
- fair scheduling with proper advance notice;
- at least 7 paid sick days;
- meaningful regulation of temp agencies;
- proactive enforcement of the laws using public sector employees;
- measures to make it easier for workers to join – and keep – their unions; and
- a legislated, indexed minimum wage.
- fix EI program
Decent Hours for Decent Incomes
A decent minimum wage is a central part of lifting workers out of poverty, but there are many other changes that need to be made to push back against low-wage and precarious work.
We need decent hours of work that we can live on. A third of workers in part-time jobs want full time work but can’t get it. Involuntary part-time means workers struggle to make ends meet, and often have to cobble together several jobs to get by. But part-time, casual, and temporary agency jobs can have erratic and unpredictable hours, and employers are increasingly moving to “just-in-time” scheduling that leaves workers scrambling to organize their work, family and other responsibilities. Read More…